50 + 1 Ideas For Outdoor Videos

Sometimes, it is impossible to shoot video at home, but this is not a reason to abandon your YouTube channel! In this article, we'll go over ideas for outdoor video. In the end, I will reveal a few tricks that will allow you to relax, feel free to shoot on the street yourself and shoot passers-by.


Ideas For Outdoor Videos

For your convenience, I've grouped specific "street" video topics into 10 categories that can give you some creative ideas of your own.

1. Do what you've never done

Pick any available outdoor activity you've never tried and learn how to do it. Viewers will enjoy watching the process. Do not pretend that you succeed right away, but, on the contrary, include all your failures. This will make your story feel more natural. This format is suitable for a vlog.

For some videos, you will need a special trip to the base or to nature and money investments, but many things can be learned for free, without leaving the yard.

  • First time on a skateboard
  • Rollers - I try it for the first time in my life
  • Rides on a monovile / hoverboard
  • Snowboarding - the first experience
  • First training session: alpine skiing
  • Learning to rock climbing
  • We go up in a hot air balloon
  • Take a ride in the park with a new attraction
  • Try taking care of the dog for the day (film walks, training, etc.)
  • Ski trip: walking 10 km
  • We repeat the dance from the clip
  • Learning to show focus
  • First time on a horse

2. Teach what you can do yourself


If you have useful knowledge, then you can shoot a video tutorial. Ideas can be borrowed from the previous paragraph, or you can take something from the following.

  • Yoga class in the park
  • Outdoor sports training
  • Circuit training in the park
  • How to photograph outdoors
  • How to pose correctly for the camera
  • How to skate
  • Basic movements of hip hop (or whatever style you know)
  • Making a street art object
  • How to score a goal

By the way, if you opt for sports topics, then read the post where we talk in detail about how to shoot a video of a workout . In it you will find recommendations that you might not even think about.

3. Sports Challenge

Make a sports challenge. At the same time, you can not only carry out the task yourself, but also give the task to passers-by. For example, in the video below, the host invites people on the street to fight him in street football and win 20 pounds. The result is an exciting video!

Here are some similar ideas.

  • How long can I run without stopping?
  • I play footbag
  • Challenge: I suggest a passer-by to beat off the sox X times for N rubles
  • We fall into the ring from two meters: me or a friend?
  • Who will pull up more?

4. Any popular challenge

Follow what popular YouTubers are doing and shoot a similar challenge. A video like this isn't helpful, but it can be funny. Here are some examples of challenges from recent years.

  • Oreo challenge (you need to put Oreo cookies in a glass of milk, and you don't have to do it at home)
  • Bottle cap challenge (you need to open a plastic bottle in any unusual way)
  • The yoga challenge (you need to repeat a yoga pose with a friend or girlfriend; if you have never done this, it will be funny)
  • Try not to laugh (you need to watch funny videos, but not laugh).
  • 7 seconds challenge (you need to complete the task in 7 seconds). Tasks can be as follows:
  • bring two items of pink
  • braid yourself two ponytails
  • drink two glasses of water
  • pick a bouquet
  • recite a verse
  • Water bottle challenge

5. Do something or test

Ideas For Outdoor Videos

Some DIY or reviews need to be done outdoors. This is your chance to record an interesting video outside your apartment.

  • Launching a kite
  • Making a bow with arrows
  • We test speakers on the street (or any other device)
  • Making a house in the woods

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6. Photo Challenge


If you are into photography, compete with a friend or colleague by capturing images on a specific subject in a few hours. Here are some inspiring examples.

  • Photo in 10 seconds. In the video below, the photographer's task is to take the maximum number of beautiful pictures in 10 minutes.
  • Four photographers shoot one model in a short time. At the same time, they cannot choose either the location or the clothes of the model. The result is photos that reflect the taste of every professional. The audience decides who is the best.
  • The photographer shoots the model with a low-quality, cheap or toy camera. Challenge, which clearly shows that you can create stunning pictures without having expensive equipment.

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7. Make a report about an interesting event

Is something interesting happening in your city? Shoot a reportage! Even if nothing out of the ordinary is expected, go to the park where skaters or those who do tricks on bmx gather. Their skills are a great source for engaging videos.

8. Survey on the street

Ask passers-by questions: from the school curriculum, just funny or provocative.

9. Miscellaneous

Other ideas fall into this category that can also be easily implemented on the street.

  • My ridiculous situations on the street
  • Question answer
  • Sports morning
  • Video guide for your city
  • What is in my bag
  • 10 life hacks for a walk
  • What to do when bored? Top 10 outdoor activities.
  • How I started filming
  • My reaction to ...
  • 10 facts about yourself

10. Capture What You See

It may not be obvious, but you can make an interesting video about anything. True, about anything. The key is dynamics and action. Check out the excerpt below, filmed by popular YouTuber and videographer Peter McKinen. Nothing significant happens in this plot: morning with a cup of coffee on the street, but the video is mesmerizing.

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How not to be shy about shooting outdoors

For many, shooting in public is a test of endurance. When you go out with a camera, everyone seems to be looking at you, wondering what you are doing, and probably judging you. It's okay to quietly shoot aside on the phone, but shooting in a crowded place with the camera becomes a real stumbling block.

Here are some tricks:

  • Focus on completing the task. When you start shooting, keep your goal in mind, give it your full thoughts. Think about the fact that you are working on a video that will appeal to or help viewers in some way that will attract new subscribers to your channel. If you do this, there will be no room for passers-by.
  • Speak loudly. Paradoxically, people listen much more to whispers than to loud speech. Therefore, do not be afraid to speak clearly and legibly - this will protect you from undue attention.
  • Treat the camera as a symbol . Think about the fact that you are not just talking to the camera, but are in dialogue with thousands of your future subscribers. Your audience is more important than any of the passers-by, because it is for them that you do this work.
  • Understand that people don't care . That you witnessed a vlog recording. Are you going to show persistent interest in this YouTube? Most likely, you have a lot of things to do, therefore, you will simply not be up to it. Realize that other people think the same way.

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