7 Unknown Ideas To Increase Visits To Your Blog

Nowadays having a blog has become almost child's play as long as you don't want to monetize it. In other words, everyone can have a blog, but not everyone can make their investment profitable and earn income. Ordering a blog translation into English, French, Arabic or Japanese and doing a good SEO translation in another language are two good ideas to attract visitors, but there are many more, at least seven, do you want to know them?

Ideas To Increase Visits To Your Blog

7 useful tips

In this strategic marketing blog you will find an excellent Guide that will help you improve visits to your blog by curating the content, improving the aesthetic part, etc. They are strategies as valid as the following 7 tips:

1. A good picture is worth more than 1000 words

As the Aimagnus blog guide says "Strategies to increase visits to your blog" in the digital world, content is king. Offering original and high-quality content is vital to improve your SEO, stand out from the crowd and make your blog go viral, but we must not forget the immense power of images. Choosing the photography, illustration, video or infographic that complements your texts is not as easy as it seems, so take note:

  • Forget about images of babies, hands, feet, clouds, sky and cats.
  • Flee from the clichés such as handshakes, clocks ticking, stereotypical smiles, etc.
  • Make sure that the images do not show dangerous behavior, racism, gender violence, social or racial inequality, etc.
  • Don't forget to write a good ALT text and translate it into the language or languages ​​in which your blog is written.
  • Use English to search for images. The original programming of most good image banks is written in English. If you are not fluent in this language, make a list with the keywords that are repeated in the topics you touch on your blog - journey, casual, nature, etc. - and ask your blog translation agency to prepare an SEO optimized duplicate.

2. Quality sources

Have you ever wondered where bloggers get their ideas from? If they are serious and recognized professionals, they will have created a personal database with reference sources for each topic to be developed. For example, a writer specialized in translating blogs dedicated to the health sciences will include such important portal sources as the Science Direct http://www.sciencedirect.com/ or the The US-National Library of Medicine http://decs.bvs.br/E/homepagee.htm.

3. Translate yes, plagiarize no

Editors who are fluent in several languages ​​may be tempted to fully translate an article in English, German or Japanese and literally copy it into perfect Spanish. Big mistake. Speaking other languages ​​is very useful to find content created in other countries, but not to avoid the work of a high-quality original writing, an essential task when positioning your blog and making the most of the time and money you have dedicated to it.

4. SEO in another language

As you well know, SEO - Search Engine Optimization- is crucial to keep your blog in the highest positions of search engines, but it is also essential in blog translation. In this sense, an SEO mistake that many self-taught people in the blog world make is literally translating their SEO texts written in Spanish into English, French or German. Translating SEO is much more than transferring meta descriptions or ALT texts of images from one language to another. A good SEO translation has behind important research work, cultural and idiomatic adaptation, etc. A job that is not seen, but that will be the key so that not only the main search engines of each country find your blog, but also the international clients that you want to attract to your web environment.

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5. Social networks

If you notice, the authors of the most successful blogs do not let a single day go by without posting on social media. But they not only write comments on their own Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or Instagram, they also contribute their knowledge, opinions and experience on the social networks of their followers, their clients, their friends and even their competition. Whether you like the “social network” scene more or less, you will have to reserve a good time every day if you want to attract more visits to your blog and get more and better performance from it.

6. The blogroll

Translated into Spanish, the peculiar term blogroll becomes the well-known "Links of interest" section. This strategy to make your blog viral with little effort is quite simple: you simply have to reserve a small space on your website to give visibility to the blogs or websites of companies or professionals related to your specialty. An important tip when it comes to 


Carefully review each link that they propose to incorporate into your blog. In the same way that a high-end jewelry storefront would not showcase brass trinkets, your professional blog cannot accommodate amateur web environments, that are over-publicized or that convey ideas or thoughts contrary to your way of thinking and to work.

7. The excess of advertising animations

Some bloggers try to quickly monetize their web environment by filling it with advertising animations, floating banners, ad videos that make you wait 30 seconds to see the content, false links that take you to external virtual stores... It is true that admitting some advertising in Your blog is an excellent way to recoup your investment in a short time, but if you go too permissive, you run the risk that your readers get fed up of closing windows or waiting for the announcement to finish before being able to download your latest and interesting e-book. When it comes to attracting visits to your blog and getting financial benefits from your work, patience and moderation are the best advisers.

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