How Introverted Writers Become Successful Entrepreneurs

It is not easy to be an introvert in a world that rewards extroversion.

Record videos.

Give lectures.

Be the first to give your opinion.

Talk more and listen less.

Show your results whenever you get the chance.

So you will be noticed.

So it will be successful.

Apparently, introverts have no place.

They will not be good leaders.

They will not be good salespeople.

They do not serve to undertake.

Do you feel that you need to make a huge effort to fit into that ideal that someone created?

What if I say it doesn't have to be this way?

I created a digital business that makes millions a year by being an introverted writer.

And today I'm going to show you how you can too.

No one is born a star

How Introverted Writers Become Successful Entrepreneurs

It is very easy to look at successful people and believe that they were born ready.

But every professional was once an amateur.

The question then remains:

"What is the turning point that turns an amateur into a professional?"

For over 10 years in the digital market, today I can “smell” the difference between an amateur and a professional by far.

How much each invoice is not the differential factor.

Not even the number of likes, comments or shares.

I believe the transformation of an amateur into a professional is a combination of three pillars:

1) Speed

This is one of the “secrets” that many amateurs do not understand.

They study for two years before they even take action and are swallowed up by the speed that the digital market operates.

Being fast means making quick decisions and even high risks, throwing your hat on the other side of the wall.

A quote I read in my favorite marketing book says:

“Money loves speed” *.

2) Clarity

There's no point in being fast if you don't know where you're going.

When you don't understand the fundamentals of a digital business, it becomes dangerous to run on a path without a guide.

To be clear is to separate noise from information.

It is to distinguish trends from trends.

3) Consistency

This is the ultimate endurance test to see if you are ready.

Amateurs get frustrated when the results don't show.

Professionals grow with their defeats.

Consistency is going to training every day.

It means showing up and giving the best of yourself, despite the result.

Bad days are going to happen, there is no way to avoid them.

Remember: your focus should be on the journey, not the destination.

6 pillars for writers to find their favorite and profitable niche

The internet has brought a world of possibilities for writers, introverted or not, who want to live off their talent.

Through the web you can find almost any product or service, anywhere in the world, just a click away.

And acting in a niche market is basically offering an “almost perfect” solution to a problem for a specific group of people.

Think of the great difficulty for someone who is looking to gain a prominent place in a mass market, with big players already established.

How would you expect to stand out and reach your competition in such a broad market?

Writing about absolutely everything?

Or just being another fish in a vast ocean full of sharks?

Success in choosing a niche basically depends on 3 factors:

  • The size of the niche (very small, low profitability).
  • The degree of competition (little competition may indicate that there is no opportunity).
  • Your ability to become a respected authority in your niche.
  • In the absence of some of these conditions, your results will, at best, be mediocre.

So, know the 6 steps to find your ideal niche , where you will have an audience interested in what you write, and who has a great potential to buy something from you in the near future.

Step 1: Segment your audience correctly

When we talk about niches, we must think about dividing our audience beyond the market segmentation criteria.

But also consider what this public needs and seeks to solve on the internet.

More important than knowing the age, sex and place of residence of your possible audience, is to answer these questions:

  • Who would I like to write to?
  • What benefits can I offer people through my unique ability
  • Who have I helped?
  • What do they have in common?
  • What desires, problems and needs of the people I helped?
  • What type of language is most suitable for this audience: formal or informal
  • What will connect best with this audience: practical tips? Inspirational phrases? Stories that generate reflection?
  • Why should they read my texts?

Step 2: Discover issues related to the market you want to explore

Start in the easiest and most obvious way: do a search for your topic of interest on Google.

Scroll to the bottom of the first page of results and notice that you will find other search suggestions related to the search term.

You can also use the Answer the Public website to identify searches related to your niche of interest.

The next step is to verify that the demand for the terms found is real and that there is a good search volume.

Step 3: Search for terms related to the niche market

We will use Ubersuggest to discover more keywords related to the niche we are studying.

Let's say that your market of interest is “healthy eating”.

In addition to searching for the central term of your niche, see the volume for the words found in the related searches at the end of the Google search.

Select the most attractive results, with more monthly search and less competition.

Write down all the monthly search volume and competition data in a separate spreadsheet.

When choosing in which markets you want to deepen your study, remember that: very small niches with little competition tend not to be profitable, because if no one is exploring it is possible that there is no interested public.

Step 4: Analyze the search for the term over time

In Google Trends you will find graphs for the search terms that show the search frequency over time, globally.

The tool provides the term's popularity divided by cities, regions, countries and language.

You can compare the volume of searches within some options of specific conditions.

Get to know the fluctuation of the most relevant terms found in the Ubersuggest search.

You will certainly make a good choice by giving preference to terms that have shown an increase in search volume over time.

Step 5: Look for problems without solutions

Facebook and LinkedIn groups, Yahoo's Q&A forum and even Amazon's book reviews, are perfect places to find your audience's biggest frustrations.

Often these users have not had their questions answered by searching online and use these sites as a "last resort".

If a topic shows some engagement, you may be facing an untapped niche market opportunity.

Also consider evaluating searches on YouTube that have few search results.

Step 6: Read comments on blogs and websites

Search for people who already have a prominent position in your niche market.

What are your readers saying? Do you miss something?

Also write down all of those impressions.

As these are your biggest competitors, don't just limit yourself to the site. Go explore these people's social networks.

And read each comment carefully.

You can get a precious tip.

When you find your unique place in the market, the one that only you could occupy and that is different from the others, it will not matter if you are an introvert or not.

In fact, those who are introverted have a natural advantage when it comes to writing good texts.

We are naturally more observant and enjoy moments of solitude. Perfect setting to flourish creativity .

As long as the ego doesn't get in the way.

Do your texts SERVE your audience or just feed your EGO?

Your audience will come much closer to your product or service when the content does that intermediate job.

This is what connects, what makes people buy much more than a simple cold offer, without any connection.

The first step is to know your target audience very well.

Go beyond gender and age and find out:

  • What books does your audience read?
  • What films does your audience watch?
  • What songs does your audience like?
  • This allows you to generate a much deeper connection.

And remember: you are not your audience!

You think you know your visitor, you think he will like a certain subject, but that is your opinion.

Think if you haven't been writing for yourself.

Its content is there to serve other people and solve their pain.

So you need to know your audience very well to know how to write better for them.

Knowing who you are talking to will improve the quality and speed with which you deliver a text.

Discovering how to write well is not a gift or talent, it is training.

As a muscle, you can also develop this skill, but for that you need to train. Preferably every day.

From writer to entrepreneur: lessons I learned in 10 years living exclusively on the digital market

These are lessons that I would pay a large amount to have learned back there.

I hope they serve as a guide in your quest for recognition and success.

Lesson 01: It all starts with writing

Every sales page, email sequence and even sales videos start in writing.

Writing well generates clarity, assertive communication and higher revenue.

Lesson 02: Habits generate consistency, which generate excellence

Small daily acts performed with consistency generate great results. Consistency is the key to success.

Lesson 03: The ego is your enemy

To grow fast it is necessary to fail fast, ignoring fear, shame or public embarrassment.

These feelings appear when your ego takes over.

Lesson 04: Value silence. He is scarce nowadays

The internet is creating a group of people who talk too much because they have nothing to say.

Results are not what you say, but what you do.

Lesson 05: Follow the process, not the prize

Both the winner and the loser in a competition want the gold medal.

But only the one who trains with a great defined process is the one who takes the prize.

Lesson 06: Self-knowledge is undervalued in the business world

Improving as a person helps you in your career, but the opposite is not always true.

Lesson 07: Being different is more effective for your positioning than being the best

For an audience, the best is subjective.

The different is obvious.

Lesson 08: Email List is still the most important asset of a digital business

This is still the most traditional and effective media in the digital world.

And you don't need videos to make money from it.

Lesson 09: Generating great experiences is having several forgettable moments, but rare memorable ones

You skip 2 hours in a row on a roller coaster if the 2 minutes of this adventure were unforgettable.

Prioritize moments of entry, peak and departure at points of contact with customers.

Lesson 10: Entrepreneurship is a marathon.

But instead of receiving a medal when you cross the finish line, you are grabbed and put back on the start line

Amateurs finish their journey at the first finish line.

Professionals are excited about a new starting line.

Don't be afraid to be who you were born to be.

The world has a special place that is yours. Just find out what it is and get up to occupy it.

No one else can but you.

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