40 Ideas For Video Without Voice

Have you ever thought about the fact that the audience of video without voice is not limited by the language barrier? That is why such videos are capable of gaining tens of millions of views. Another reason for creating a "voiceless" video may be that the author's own voice seems unsuitable for the author.

In this post, I'm going to walk you through the different types of videos you can make without having to dub yourself. Here you will find not only ideas for video without voice, but also concrete examples. You will also learn what to look for when dubbing a video using speech synthesizers.

Ideas For Video Without Voice

At the end, you will find an inspiring example of a person who successfully runs his millionaire channel and communicates with the audience, despite the fact that he cannot speak.

Dumb videos

Let's start with videos that are created without voice guidance: explanations, tips, and sometimes any kind of dubbing at all.

DIY and hobby videos

If you are fond of some kind of craft or know how to do something with your own hands, make a channel about it. At the same time, it is not necessary to talk about something in the frame. Many viewers do not want to learn your craft, and the process of making something arouses keen interest. Here are some ideas.

  1. Passage of games: Games without comments
  3. Fishing : Greg Blanchard
  4. Knife making : Koss
  5. Camping : Silent Bushcraft - Pure Nature
  6. Kids Toy Making: DIY-HacksDOBYMYSELF
  7. Snowboarding: Snowboard Addiction
  8. Garage Do's: DIY Useful Ideas
  9. Metalwork : myfordboy
  10. Wood carving : WieselRobot
  11. Shoeing horses: FarrierProducts
  12. Piano Playing : Vinheteiro
  13. Makeup : Grin and Dagger
  14. Speedpaint : Emala Jiss
  15. Life Hacks : 5-Minute Crafts 


One of the most popular channels on this topic is Primitive Technology, where the author silently builds huts, stoves in the forest, and makes tools with his bare hands. However, he does not say a word. The 15-minute video, in which a young man silently built a house in this way, has been watched more than 65 million times!

Cooking Videos

First, you can make video recipes. They are, as a rule, filmed "from behind the head" with the addition of a large number of close-ups. Despite the lack of voice, such videos look very clear and appetizing. By the way, we have an article on our website that details the shooting technology.

Secondly, the culinary video can be shot in live video format . You are filming the entire cooking process from start to finish. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to give explanations. In the example on the left, there are no words or music. The video sequence speaks for itself. This video has been watched over 22 million times!

Travel video "without words"

There are examples of channels on YouTube, whose authors make videos about their travels without resorting to explanations. Here are some ideas that you can implement in this topic.

  1. Video from the first person Chill & Explore, PERESETSKIY
  2. Video from a camera attached to a motorcycle, bicycle, etc .: Harley Davidson Silent Vlogger
  3. Walking around your city NIPPON WANDERING TV
  4. Campaigns : DaniBess
  5. Videos of interesting events or unique places : She 'Walkin
  6. Compilation of your travel videos

Informative videos

It would seem that such a genre as educational video must be accompanied by explanations. These can be tops, compilations , etc.

Here's a great example of a channel that produces interesting videos without a single word.


The usual unpacking is removed with a description of the product, but there are authors who do without a single word, which does not prevent their video from gaining millions of views.

  1. Unboxing Gadgets: TheRelaxingEnd
  2. Unboxing New and Old Phones: Vy Vo Xuan
  3. Unpacking goods from Aliexpress

Meditation and anti-stress videos

One of the easiest ways to create a meditation video is to record nature sounds . Record the sound of a forest, waves on a lake, rain, or a fire.

ASMR - Video is also a relaxing type of content. People like to hear how soap is cut, how they whisper inaudibly or crunch food. These videos also do not require voice guidance, but you will need a sensitive microphone.

You May Also Like: 10 Ideas For a One Minute Video. With Examples

Video from photo

It may seem that videos compiled as a compilation of photos look outdated, but they are not. At least for videos that present us with ideas for inspiration.

  1. Video with home decor ideas Living Room Design Ideas
  2. Landscape Videos : Soothing Scenery: Instant Decor!
  3. Mom and Daughter Dress Idea Videos: Fancy Point
  4. Video with manicure ideas: Alina Lazareva

The working process

It is not obvious, but people are also attracted to the work of machines, machines and mechanisms. If you have the opportunity to film how any device works, be sure to shoot a video about it.

  1. Operation of the C-Trak Conveyors
  2. How is it done ...? TeCho
  3. JD1470E Harvester Operation
  4. Woodworking WOOD Presents!

Video with computer voice acting

Now let's talk about videos that are voiced, but not with your own voice, but using a speech synthesizer (TTS: text to speech) - a program that "reads" the text you write.

Remember that it is important to use a software license that allows you to use the audio material you create for commercial purposes. Otherwise, the funds from the monetization of your video will go not to you, but to the owners of this program.

What if it doesn't seem to work?

I recently came across a vlog of a guy who literally "breaks the mold." In his profile, our hero writes that he is 90% deaf and, therefore, uses the language of the dumb. Despite this, since 2006, his gadgets and travel videos have been watched over 115 million times! Think about it if you feel a wave of doubt about the success of your channel. 

Good luck!

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